Related article: which three or four flies on a line
cannot do. Mr. Dewar puts the
merits of the Bromocriptine Online two methods of
fishing very fairly and pithily ;
iAdeed, the absence of any doc-
trinaire style is one of the book's
chiefest merits. The whole mat-
ter is, as the Marquis of Granby
remarks, treated in a broad and
masterly fashion. ** A Not Un-
equal Contest," is a most in-
teresting chapter, into which a
baily's magazine.
good deal of practical information
is imported. ** Dibbling with the
Dry Fly," and '• Evening Fishing,"
are two chapters which should
not be missed, while, as an
example of instruction, blended
with narrative, " The Dry Fly in
Derbyshire " should be noted. It
is more than probable that this
book of Mr. Dewar*s will see
another edition, and when the
second is called for will be the
time to enlarge the index.
Frocks, fashions, and furniture,
all things, in fact, which could
possibly be brought to do so,
have been made to assume this
year an early Victorian aspect.
This is most proper, and we have
all been delighted about it, but
a revival of early Victorian photo-
graphy such as Buy Bromocriptine we are treated to
in Prince Ranjitsinhji's book *''
may not be so universally ap-
proved. In these days of Kodaks
and Biographs it is a little trying
to look at picture after picture
purporting to represent human
beings in action where the figures
are so obviously posed as in this
volume. Of course, when a
cricketer is taking guard or wait-
ing for a catch in the slips, or for
the peas and salmon in the dining-
room or tent, this early Victorian
method does well enough ; but if,
in the midst of those rapid and
indefinable motions of the body
which go to Purchase Bromocriptine make a cut, a pull, or
a drive, a batsman attempts sud-
denly to stand to attention while
the photographic artist utters the
mystic incantation, " Now, sir,
are you quite ready ? Just one
moment — now, one, two, three !
thank you." Then, when the deed
is done, and his picture is handed
down to posterity, he will look —
well, like some of the victims in
this volume. Generic Bromocriptine
♦ •• The Jubilee Book of Cricket," by Prince
Ranjiteinhji. London : W. Blackwood and Co.
1897. Price 6%.
For instance, there is a picture
of a man catching a catch in the
out - field which illustrates our Purchase Bromocriptine Online
meaning exactly. We should
like to take a Kodak, get some-
one to hit this fieldsman a dozen
catches in the long-field, snap him
in the act of taiung them and
compare the results with the pic-
ture which Prince Ranjitsinhji
would have us believe is an up-
to-date representation of how the
thing should be done. Indeed,
the representation before us min^ht
far better be entitled " Oh what
a pretty thing Tve found, is it a
bird's egg ? "
As a study of character
the photographs are interesting
enough, the younger men of the
Prince's stage and standing, the
young amateurs especially, all
look so serious, as if they really
did think they would appear in
the picture to be accomphshing
the stroke they are intended to
illustrate. But the older hands —
ah, well — look at them as they
pose for the stx(jke and see if
there is not, so far as it can be
reproduced in a picture, an un-
mistakable twinkle in their eye, Order Bromocriptine a
sort of '*I wonder if the public
will swallow it " expression.
We cannot leave this portion of
the subject without noticing a
picture of Mr. Stoddart suppc^ed
to be taken in the act of driving a
ball hard forward, and we are
given to understand that the illus-
tration represents the affair just
prior to the finish of the stroke.
We should like the great Middlesex
batsman to just look at this pic-
ture and tell Order Bromocriptine Online us whether when the
ball does reach his bat it will not
infallibly be skied straight into
the air. It might almost appear .
that this great cricketer, affected
by some "brain wave" of the
Indian Prince's loyalty, has here
unconsciously reverted to as near
an approach to his early Victorian
cricket as he can remember, and
shown us the stroke as he would
have done it when he first began
to study batting.
But let us leave the illustra-
tionst although the Prince has
been so prodigal in this respect
that one can never get very far
from them, and after all they are
a mere detail, for to quote a re-
mark of a fellow-countryman of
the Prince who was getting up
the first book of Euclid for an
examination, "The pictures need
not spoil our pleasure in the book
if we do not allow them to distract
our mind from the letterpress."
The Prince, in the preface,
acknowledges his Buy Bromocriptine Online indebtedness to
various gentlemen for assistance
in his loyal undertaking, and to
Professor Case are due our sincere
thanks for his article upon Ox-
ford Cricket Mr. W. J. Ford
writes upon Cambridge Cricket,
and also upon the Public Schools.
The Prince also avails himself
of the assistance of Mr. C. B. Fry.
The volume contains well over
four hundred pages, and naturally
enough there is much which is
well worth reading. The remarks
as to no-balling a bowler with a
doubtful action are, to our mind,
very much to the point, the author
aptly says on this question that
the very reason generally given
by an umpire for not no-balling a
doubtful delivery — namely, that
•*he was not quite sure," is
according to the law of cricket as
it stands the very best reason in
the world for disallowing the ball.
Interspersed with much sound
philosophy such as above, there is
a good supply of padding, and the
Prince has a solemn way of pro-
pounding truisms which are
absolutely unanswerable.
Part VI. of** The Encyclopaedia
of Sport*'''' is quite up to the
standard of the previous numbers,
and the Earl of Suffolk and Berk-
shire, and Messrs. Hedley Peck
and Aflalo are to be congratulated
upon their work.